
GHD Vs Cloud Nine Hair

The GHD straighteners fell foul to this with counterfeit copies available through online stores. Theirs not much telling between a pair of fake or real GHD irons. Only that user reported them not lasting as long as a pair of GHD. I have an original pair I purchased three years ago they are still going strong. Only the problem was changing the fuse a couple of times on an otherwise great pair of straighteners.

Technological advancement of GHD implies ceramic heating technology which is used for styling or straightening the hair. Ceramic heating on one hand helps in removing cuticles and making natural moisture in hair remain locked resulting ion smooth and shiny hair. Its fast heating features saves electricity consumption. Its auto power heating will prevent hair from damage caused by overheating. Above all, it is also portable which can fit in your pocket. So GHD hair styling tool is the best.

1 条评论:

  1. Hiya! Just wnated to say that in our salon on the UK we use a cloud nine iron and couldn't be happier with the results! You can find preowned ones on ebay if the price seems to be too high, keep up the great posts, thanks!
